Fantastic Frontier Roblox Wiki


The Yaaxil Crest is a misc equipment that can be obtained in the Frontier. It can be purchased from Vhitmire at a price of 800,000 gold. Other viable methods of acquiring the Yaaxil Crest include but are not limited to:

As its description implies, it is a crest made from a shuddersome weapon. The Yaaxil Crest is sometimes compared to an altered and distorted bladed scimitar in appearance. The 'blade' possesses a black hue, while the other half of the crest appears to be made out of some sorts of magma substances.

When equipped, the Yaaxil Crest will remove 8 armor points, decreasing the player's protection. In exchange for the armor decrease, the armor piece will provide 50 melee damage points to any melee weapons, as well as 15 magic damage to any magic weapons, increasing the number of damage inflicted on opponents while using melee and magic weapons.


  • Like most items in-game, it can be acquired from the Otherworld Tower dungeon.
  • The Yaaxil Crest has some sort of affiliation (relation) with the Yaaxil Flame.

