Fantastic Frontier Roblox Wiki


The Temple Fool Set is one of the many armor sets that can be acquired on the island of Matumada. The armor set was introduced during the Spring Update. The Temple Fool Set can be obtained from the Construct.

Wearing the whole set gives you a total of 69 armor points, an additional 210 points to melee and magic damage-types, and 3 walkspeed points. The whole armor set costs a total of 15,600,000 gold.

"A weird looking head. Kind of gross to shove over your own head, isn't it?"

The Temple Fool Head is worn in the head equipment slot. It can provide 13 armor, 70 additional points to both melee and magic damage, and 1 walkspeed point.

It is a weird and gross headpiece, as the description implies.

Its price is 5,200,000 gold.

"Weird torso armor. Kind of tough to squeeze it around your own body, isn't it?"

The Temple Fool Torso is worn in the torso equipment's slot. It can provide 32 armor, 70 additional points to both melee and magic damage, and 1 walkspeed point.

It is a weird and tough torso, as the description implies.

Its price is 5,200,000 gold.

"Weird, but cool legs. Kind of nice to have another pair lying around, isn't it?"

The Temple Fool Legs are worn in the leg equipment slot. They can provide 24 armor, 70 additional points to both melee and magic damage, and 1 walkspeed point.

They are weird but cool legs, as the description implies.

Its price is 5,200,000 gold.


  • It was introduced in the Spring Update.
  • It is possible to acquire the Temple Fool Head as a possible reward from one of Giant Toad's Tasks.
  • The armor's model and bonuses are similar to that of the Wisecrack Set.

