Fantastic Frontier Roblox Wiki


The Quiet Field is an open, sun-touched meadow that barely has any trees. Trees that can be found within the fields are isolated from one another, and rocks are scattered far and wide away from each other. The Quiet Field is surrounded by four other sections of land. To the west, it borders Greenhorn Grove and The Deep Forest. To the north, it borders Rubble Spring, and to the east, it borders Hoodlum Falls. The Quiet Field only borders one major body of water, that being The Far Coast to the southernmost edge of The Quiet Field.


There is only one notable landmark within The Quiet Field, that being the Tower of The Quiet Field. Adventurers can purchase the tower as a home to stay and rest in at a price of 5,000,000 gold. The tower offers a magic ore wall that replenishes a small supply of various ores that would otherwise be difficult to obtain in the dangerous lands of the Frontier.


Wildlife that can be found in the area include Fallbird, Polewatcher, and the Preobird.


Harvestable that can be found in the area include Bobber Mushroom, Brain Mushroom, Fallichen, Grateful Frog, Pearl Flower, Purple Balloon Mushroom, Spurtle Mushroom, Target Mushroom, and Traveler Plant.


Mobs that can be found in the area include Bandit, Black Bear, Forest Guardian, Ghost, Hammer Knight, Monstrosity, Otherworldly Dollhunter, Purple Ogre, Ratdog, Robo-Hopper, Scarecrow, and Two-Eyed Monstrosity.


NPCs that can be found here include Interdimensional Traveler and Realtor Reynold.




  • Prior to the 1.10 (Fishing) Update, the walled gate entrance outside of the tower was previously non-collidable, meaning that players can walk through the walls or phase into it. This was later patched on an unknown date.