Fantastic Frontier Roblox Wiki


  • Alias: "The End of the Road Boss"

The Democan is a dangerous boss that was introduced during the Ratboy's Nightmare Update. It can be found on The Road, more specifically at The End of The Road, as well as being a possible enemy during the Pitfall's fighting events. The boss is quite agile and has long-ranged attacks that could severely land a heavy blow on unprepared players.


There are 3 attacks that the Democan can perform:

  • Double Slash - The Democan swings its swords downwards and creates a long line of fire across the road that lasts for a tiny bit.
  • Fire Ring - The Democan smashes the ground below him, creating a small ring of fire around it for a short time.
  • Horrific Screech - The Democan makes a loud noise and does damage to anyone in the air or elevated. (very long range if in air)


A way to cheese the boss is by using the map as an advantage, attempting to get it stuck. Then, the players are advised to use magic or ranged weapons to attack it from afar, allowing them to quickly kill the mob without being under heavy pressure.


  • The only way to cheese this boss is by using the map to get it stuck, then use magic or ranged weapons to attack from afar.
  • Democan can be found anywhere on The Road, even at the very start. However, they are more common at The End of The Road.