Fantastic Frontier Roblox Wiki

Cursed Celmor is one of the many inhabitants of the sanctuary, Topple Town. He can be specifically found on one of the building's balcony near Big Box located at the town square. Cursed Celmor's personality may make some players to dislike Cursed Celmor for how he interacted with the players through dialogues.

The title Cursed has no known evidence of him being cursed with an inflicted magical curse. It may simply means that Cursed Celmor often has a "colorful dictionary", which basically means that his usage of vocabulary can often lead to arguments or aggression. Another explanation for this may be how people can not control on what they say around him, as implied by Cursed Celmor. Celmor may derived from the word Clamor, which is to create loud noises, and it can be seen that Cursed Celmor often shout at the players due to the abundance of exclamation marks.

Players can interact with Cursed Celmor, providing two dialogues, as well as two dialogues for the players. Here are the dialogues:

"You've spoken to the wrong man! People can't control what they say around me!"

Cursed Celmor is telling the player that they are speaking to someone they shouldn't be interacting with. It also seems that many people can not control what they say around him, which may hint to his title of Cursed.

Player's Question: "What are you doing up here?"

  • Response: "You don't have a choice! Leave me be!"

Player's Response: "You are one sad little gnome."

It first begins with the player's question on what Cursed Celmor is doing on the balcony of a building. Cursed Celmor then replies with that the player does not have a choice, probably saying the player doesn't have a choice to say or talk about it, and then insists the player to leave him as he is. The player then implies that he is one disappointing gnome fellow, and it is clear that the player is currently feeling of disappointment and distaste.
